Althunayan Sider Honey With Propolis 500g

13.000 KD

Product Information

  • 100% Natural
  • Unpasteurised

Mountain Sidr honey saturated with the finest types of propolis. It is considered one of the strongest and fastest ways to raise immunity. Propolis, or what is known as "bee gum", contains more than 12 types of natural antibiotics that help the body to raise immunity and improve its level in the body, and it also has the ability to renew and build the body's cells and tissues.


Propolis contains more than 12 natural antibiotics and is considered a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Enhances the body's immune system and raises its level. It renews and builds body cells and tissues, as well as resists signs of aging and aging. Because it contains antimicrobial substances, it maintains the health of the mouth and teeth, and protects the gums from wounds and ulcers. Fights respiratory infections and fights flu and colds. Relieves heart problems such as hardening of the blood vessels and arteries, and high blood pressure. Effective for thyroid diseases. Activates mental ability.

Notes: It is not allowed for use by pregnant women and children. Because it contains propolis, it is taken for a maximum of two consecutive months, then taken rest for a month, then used again, and so on.

How to use

A tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of lukewarm water, preferably an hour later. Another spoonful can be taken one hour before lunch or 3 hours after lunch. Stir honey well before eating.



100% Natural Honey

Suggested Use

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