Bees Supplements

Bees Supplements

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Mujeza Power Plus Protein Bee Bread 120g

Mujeza Power Plus Protein Bee Bread 120g

4.000 KWD
Bee bread: the most perfect food in the universe. Where bees collects all their products to form a unique divine paste and then store it in the hexagons of the...
Mujeza Korean Red Ginseng 100% Pure Extract 30g

Mujeza Korean Red Ginseng 100% Pure Extract 30g

14.750 KWD
Ginseng is a perennial plant with leaves and roots similar to radish roots known as the “magic plant” by the Chinese, and it has been in use for more than...
Mujeza Propolis 1000mg Supports Immune Health 60 Capsules

Mujeza Propolis 1000mg Supports Immune Health 60 Capsules

6.500 KWD
كبسولات بروبوليس عكبر (صمغ النحل) يستخدم صمغ النحل ليساعد على تحسين الصحة العامة . فوائد كبسولات بروبوليس ( عكبر النحل) مضاد حيوي؛ لاحتوائه على مركبات الفلافونيود المضادة للفطريات والبكتيريا. عالج الحروق...
Mujeza Green Bee Propolis 25g

Mujeza Green Bee Propolis 25g

7.500 KWD
GREEN BEE PROPOLIS DROPS Propolis or bee gum: Pure liquid product without alcohol at a concentration of 90% of green propolis that is the richest of antioxidants especially terpines Health...
Yerba Bee Pollen & Royal Jelly Complex 120 Capsules Halal Product

Yerba Bee Pollen & Royal Jelly Complex 120 Capsules Halal Product

21.500 KWD
Bee pollen royal jelly complex is a dietary supplement that combines bee pollen and royal jelly, two substances produced by bees. Bee pollen is collected by bees from flowering plants...
Al Thunayan Liquid Propolis Extract 20ml

Al Thunayan Liquid Propolis Extract 20ml

7.450 KWD
Liquid propolis extract is a concentrated form of propolis, and is one of the most concentrated and effective forms of propolis. It is obtained by extracting the active ingredients from...
Konoz Alnahl Bee Propolis Powder

Konoz Alnahl Bee Propolis Powder

5.000 KWD3.350 KWD
Indulge in the luxurious benefits of Konoz Alnahl Bee Propolis Powder. This premium product, sourced from the finest bee propolis, offers a myriad of potential benefits. From boosting your immune...
Al Thunayan Natural Proplis Powder 20g

Al Thunayan Natural Proplis Powder 20g

7.000 KWD
Propolis, or what is known as "propolis", contains more than 12 types of natural antibiotics that help the body to raise immunity and improve its level in the body.
Al Thunayan Royal Jelly Capsules 30 capsules

Al Thunayan Royal Jelly Capsules 30 capsules

4.950 KWD
Royal Jelly Capsules are a natural nutritional supplement made from royal jelly, which is produced by bees to feed the queen in the hive. These capsules contain a high concentration...
Al Thunayan Propolis Capsules 30 capsules

Al Thunayan Propolis Capsules 30 capsules

4.950 KWD
Propolis capsules are a dietary supplement made from natural propolis, which is collected by bees from different parts of plants. Propolis capsules are used in many health applications due to...
Mujeza Fresh Royal Jelly 10g

Mujeza Fresh Royal Jelly 10g

11.000 KWD
Experience the luxurious nourishment of Mujeza Fresh Royal Jelly. Each 10g jar contains the finest, purest form of royal jelly, known for its anti-aging and skin rejuvenating properties. Indulge in...
Al Thunayan Royal Jelly 10g Creamy

Al Thunayan Royal Jelly 10g Creamy

5.000 KWD
Royal jelly is a natural product made from the secretions of worker bees and is the primary food for the queen bee. Royal jelly contains a wide range of nutrients...
Al Thunayan Natural Royal Jelly Powder 20g

Al Thunayan Natural Royal Jelly Powder 20g

15.000 KWD
يستعمل الغذاء الملكي لأغراض صحية وعلاجية مثل تعزيز المناعة ومكافحة الشيخوخة وتعزيز الخصوبة والوقاية و علاج كثير من الأمراض، كما يعد مصدر غني بالعديد من العناصر الغذائية، مثل الأحماض الأمينية...
Konoz Alnahl Bee Pollen

Konoz Alnahl Bee Pollen

5.000 KWD3.350 KWD
تضاف حبوب اللقاح مع الحليب أو العسلوهو مفيد جدا لصجة الصغار والكبار حيث أنهيعد مكمل غذائي ممتاز وغني بالبروتين والاحماض الأمينيةطريقة الاستخداميضاف مع العسل والمشروبات الساخنة ( ملعقة طعام )صباحا...
Konoz Alnahl Propolis Glue Capsules

Konoz Alnahl Propolis Glue Capsules

10.000 KWD7.500 KWD
حبـوب العكــبر يعتبر العكبر أقوى مضاد حيوي طبيعي فعال تمت عليه العديد من التجاربالعلمية والعلاجية وهو يقي من اعراض الانفلونزا والحمىطريقة الاستخدام تؤخذ حبتين يوميا في أي وقتو 3 حبات...
Nature's Answer Propolis Extract Alcohol-Free 2,000 mg 30 ml

Nature's Answer Propolis Extract Alcohol-Free 2,000 mg 30 ml

5.850 KWD
What is Propolis? Propolis is a natural product created by bees. It acts as an antioxidant and provides powerful immune support*. Scientists believe that bees create propolis to help keep...
Mujeza Propolis Capsule 500mg 65 Capsules

Mujeza Propolis Capsule 500mg 65 Capsules

6.500 KWD
What is bee propolis: The bees collect a special resin from the tops of trees of a dark color, then knead it with bee wax and add its own secretions...
Solgar Royal Jelly 500 60 Softgels

Solgar Royal Jelly 500 60 Softgels

14.700 KWD
Royal Jelly is the only food that the queen bee of a beehive lives on, and it accounts for her incredible longevity, as she can live approximately 40 times longer...
Kunooz Alnahal Propolis Bee Gum

Kunooz Alnahal Propolis Bee Gum

10.000 KWD
Propolis is a bee product with the greatest helps relieve pain and works as a natural antibiotic. It also contributes to strengthening the immune system without having any side...